4 Tips to Banish Social Media Induced Self-Doubt

Angela Pucetas
5 min readAug 9, 2020

Mornings are when I find myself looped into the dreaded social media time warp. Muffin in one hand — crumbs polluting my countertop — phone in the other. During my morning scrolls through Instagram, I can’t help but be disappointed by the assumed lack of reality in each photo I come across.

Poreless faces, ultra-thin waists, and the infamous wobbly railing behind an hourglass figure (a telltale sign of a photoshop mishap). As a high school English teacher, I spend the same amount of time counseling my students on how to stop obsessing over selfies as I do combing through papers with attempts at semi-colon usage — trust me, that is a lot of time!

With editing apps like FaceTune, anyone can legitimately alter their entire facial structure and body, creating a flawless complexion or the infamous Kardashian “booty pop.”

What I am concerned about is the comparison to these false images and unattainable expectations in the media, specifically in accordance with young women.

How do we stop it?

If you are like a younger version of myself, you may delete a selfie after an hour of not receiving the ideal amount of “likes.” If this sounds like you, I have some unambiguous news:



Angela Pucetas

Author of, “Overthought Thoughts of a 21-Year-Old.” Self-help enthusiast. Lover of coffee, glitter, and authenticity.